Do You Want The Cheat Code To Happy Life?

Do You Want The Cheat Code To Happy Life

Do You Want The Cheat Code To Happy Life?

Do You Want The Cheat Code To Happy Life? Is it not a bad thing to dream or wish for a happy life? Life where there is no sorrow, pain, disappointment, bad luck, and forever happiness.

It has been proven by science that it is impossible to be happy forever. Many psychologists have provided evidence that it is impossible to be happy forever.

Do you know that the Bible has given us evidence or a cheat code to a happy life? Most of us don’t read our Bible; that’s why we don’t find the tips given to us by God to live happily.

If the Bible has proof that we can be happy, it is better to believe it. It’s time to ignore science and psychology but to focus on God.

Is it possible that God will send us here on earth and leave us without hacks? Listen, that which created us will never leave us or forsake us.

Open your mind and heart to God so that you can experience the glory of God in your life. Our relationship with God is really important in this Christian journey.

Cheat Code One: Trust God 

Do You Want The Cheat Code To Happy Life pt2We can’t control or predict what can happen in the future in our lives, but we still have powers. As children of God, our secret weapon in life is our trust in God.

Our creator has made a promise to us that he will never leave us or forsake us. The intention he has for us is of good and not evil, so that our future will be bright.

No matter what you are facing in life, do your best not to worry too much because your solution is near.

Tell your problems and your challenges how big your God is instead of looking at the size of your trouble.

Anytime that you face any trouble, pray to God and believe in faith. Most Christians lose their faith in God after having prayed to God because they focus on their problem.

Life is not planning to get easier; it is up to us to get stronger. Believe in the Lord after you have prayed to him concerning your problems.

Do your best not to let worry, doubt, complaining, and hatred steal your joy. Jesus Christ told us in the Bible to cast all our worry on him, and he will give us rest.

The rest we get by trusting him is the best in the world because we know that God will fail us.

Cheat Code Two: Live a Godly Life 

Do You Want The Cheat Code To Happy Life pt3

We have been scammed by the devil to believe that godly life is not fun. It pays to serve the Lord and to live the type of life that he has planned for us.

A godly lifestyle is the best, and we won’t live in regrets if we obey God. The commandments and the rules the Lord has are for our own good and to protect us.

Everything that we do in life should please the Lord and be for our own good. The thought he has for us is the thought good and not evil so that we can have a beautiful future.

  • You shall have no other gods before me. When we serve other gods, it will lead us into trouble. False gods are going to trap us and destroy us if we serve them other than serving God.
  • Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven images: Our heavenly father cares so much about our personal relationship with him and not through any object. Demons can take control of grave images and mislead us.
  • Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain: The Lord wants us to value him as he has valued us. He wants us to take him seriously and obey him in everything that we do.
  • Remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy: Having a day that we put aside for God is important, and we can also use that day to rest and pour in ourselves (self-care).
  • Honor your father and mother: When we respect our parents, that makes them happy. Happy parents produce happy children, so let’s treat our parents with love. Obeying our parents helps us to make better decisions in life.
  • Thou shalt not kill: When we love one another, it will not let the devil into our hearts to do evil. The Lord wants us to love one another and live in peace with everyone around us.
  • Thou shalt not commit adultery. God wants us all to experience happy marriage and a lovely family. If we want to be happy, let us obey the rules and commandments.
  • Thou shalt not steal: Don’t take things that don’t belong to us, and let us love one another.


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