Does God Ignore Us When We Are Guilty?

Does God Ignore Us When We Are Guilty

Does God ignore us when we are guilty?

Does God Ignore Us When We Are Guilty? It is not a secret that God hates it when we sin against him because it breaks his heart.

Are we hated when we sin against the Lord? The truth is that he loves us and he wants the best for us. The Lord hates our actions and our decisions, not us as a person.

Our heavenly father does not want any of us to perish in hell, but we must watch our actions. Our lifestyle should bring glory to the name of God all the time.

Everybody is watching us because we are Christians, so let our lives reflect God. As Christians, we are not allowed to behave like the rest of the world because we are God’s representative.

How are we to win souls for Christ if there is no difference between us and the way of the world? Many Christians feel that they are missing us on the fun in the world because they gave their lives to God.

It is important for us to know that we are not missing out on anything. There is no fun in sin because it leads to destruction both here on earth and forever.

No matter how much fun the media and internet try to promote sin, it will still be destructive. The commandments of God are given to us so that our lives will be guided.

Without the commandment of God, many of us would have followed the devil. The enemy is doing his best all the time to enter our lives and is left for us to give him permission or not.

What we watch, read, or listen to can open doors to the kingdom of darkness into our lives. The world of God tells us to guide our hearts and minds because the devil wants to devour us alive.

Does God Want Us To Be Perfect?

Does God Ignore Us When We Are Guilty pt2

Many Christians all over the world have done their research concerning God’s plan for us. The Lord has the plan of good and not evil to give us an expected future.

Being perfect or working hard to be one can be energy draining. Jesus Christ came here on earth and saw that we could handle life alone, so he gifted us the Holy Spirit.

We are not meant to be perfect, but we are to aim for perfection in everything that we do in life. If we listen to the Holy Spirit of God, he can guide us through life.

God is interested in everything that we do here on earth. Because most of us do enjoy our sinful nature, that is why it is hard for us to change.

For us to change and turn away from our sin, we must accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and personal savior. Remember that nothing can separate us from the love of God.

Anything that we have sinned, let us ask forgiveness and turn away from the bad habits. Bad habits can be hard to break, so it is better to replace them with better habits.

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