Don’t Fancy The Success Of The World

Don't Fancy the Success of the World

Don’t Fancy the Success of the World

Don’t Fancy the Success of the World: What the world considers success is not the same as God’s ideas. People in the world are willing to do anything to achieve whatever they want.

As children of God, things in the world should lead us to sin. Earth is not our permanent home, so let us live carefully so that we can make heaven.

Our goal in life should be the same as God’s plan for our lives. Any promotion or success that will lead us to sin in order is from the devil.

Having a nice house, fancy cars, good jobs, and a lot of money is not a sin, but don’t forget God. Our heavenly father should be the center of our lives because he cares about us.

Working hard to get a better life should not be something we are ashamed of as Christians. Whatever we do in life in order to obtain success should be godly.

We should not fancy things that ungodly people have because they don’t have the same the same goals as us. Godly people don’t mind doing anything to get whatever they want.

Christians are not meant to be lazy.

Don't Fancy the Success of the World pt2

To live a fancy life is everyone’s desire and is not a bad thing. Everything that we desire here on earth can come to us with faith and handwork.

Many Christians have believed the lies that they are not to be successful in life. Suffering is not inevitable, but it is meant to last forever.

One of our biggest problems is that most of us are not willing to work hard. In order to get whatever you want here on earth, working hard is required.

As a child of God, don’t feel bad for wanting the best things in life, but be ready to work hard. Our heavenly father doesn’t support being lazy and doing nothing in life.

Jesus Christ told us the parable about the talents in the Bible, so let us be serious. Each of us has been blessed by God with unique gifts and talents that we can use.

Most people fall into temptation because they are doing anything. No one will tempt you with money if you are making some for yourself and managing it yourself.

When you make use of the gifts and talents that the Lord has given you, that will open doors. Let us do our best to live our best lives in a godly way.

  • Open that business.
  • Write that book.
  • Start that YouTube channel.
  • Learn those skills.
  • Read that book.
  • Do your best at work (no matter your position, be the best).
  • Discover your talents and gifts (find a way to develop them).
  • Save that money.
  • Start that investment.
  • Promotion of your business online

Be grateful for life.

It doesn’t matter what your life looks like; be grateful because “where there is life, there is hope.”

Complaining all the time will not result in a solution, so let us be positive. Be honest with yourself and identify what you need to do in order to level up.

Count your blessings instead of looking for things you don’t have. Most of our problem is that we focus on problems more than we think of solutions.

Write down things that you have now that money cannot buy. God is always good to you, and it is up to us to do our part.

Remember that our goal is different from the world’s success. Making money and living fancy life is good but that should not take us away from God.

Our Goals are:
  • We are to make heaven
  • Is important for us to have peace of mind
  • Build stronger relationship with God
  • Do our best to please the Lord
  • Obey the commandments of God
  • Spread the gospel
  • Win souls for God


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