Don’t Do It, Because It Leads To Hell.

Don't do it because it leads to hell

Don’t do it, because it leads to hell.

Don’t do it, because it leads to hell: Many people in our world today are not afraid of going to hell.

Some people do believe that heaven and hell are not real. They believe that hell is just a story told to us to make us scared of doing bad things.

Young adults and teenagers are willing to go to hell rather than change their lives. Kids raised in a Christian family just deny Jesus Christ once they enter college.

They are afraid of letting people know that they are Christians. The world has made it seem that being godly is not cool.

Serving the Lord and spreading the gospel look and sound boring to most people. No one wants to be identified as the “Jesus Boy or Girl” among their peers.

Jesus Christ told us in the Bible that if we deny him here on earth, he will deny us in heaven. Some people have opened social media accounts just to mock Christianity.

Some places in the USA don’t  permit preachers to preach on the street. Schools and public places have banned the preaching of the gospel in their environments.

More people are getting comfortable with denying Jesus Christ in public. Identifying ourselves as children of God will not make us look uncool.

We have to understand that we are the coolest kids in the world because our father is the creator of the universe.

Standing up for Jesus Christ is what he wants us to do for him, so let’s make him happy. As children of God, we may not be allowed to preach in public places, but we have social media.

We can tell people about Jesus Christ on the internet and through our behaviors.

Stay away from a sinful lifestyle.

Don't do it because it leads to hell pt2

The devil has done his best to make us believe that the world believes that a sinful lifestyle is better. Behaving right and living a godly life is seen in society as boring.

Living the right way will never lead us down a path of regret when we are older. A sinful lifestyle will lead us to hell, where the enemy will destroy us.

Taking illegal items may look cool at the moment, but it leads to health problems in the future. Sinful lifestyles are being promoted all over the internet and in TV shows.

The devil is doing his best to make sure that he has millions of souls with him in hell. It is not the desire of God that any of us should perish in hell.

It will break God’s heart to see any of us in hell because he loves us. The reason why the world hasn’t ended yet is because the Lord is giving us time to repent.

Is it time for us to return to Jesus Christ so that we can experience the greatest joy? Godly living is the best because it leads to heaven, and we’ll have a bright future.

Our father will open great doors into our lives so that the world will know that we belong to him. The only way for us to experience God’s greatest love is to come back to him.

Have the right attitude. 

Don't do it because it leads to hell pt3

The world can be influenced by our way of living and give their lives to God. We are not allowed to live our lives the way unbelievers do because we are representatives of Christ.

The way we talk, dress, and act towards other people are all important. God knows that we are not perfect but wants us to improve.

  • When the world is complaining, our duty is to pray to God. 
  • If the world is consuming illegal stuff, we’ll be consuming the word of God. 
  • So if the others are judging, gossiping, and hating, we are going to show love and kindness. 

God is watching us, and he knows our strengths and weaknesses, but he is still with us. He has given us the Holy Spirit to guide us through life and transform us to be like Jesus.

We are not meant to transform ourselves to become better because of our own strengths. Our strength is limited, but our heavenly father is powerful.

For the thought the Lord has for us is good and not evil to give us a beautiful end. All the commandments that God gave to us are  for our own good.

Even when our heavenly father is angry, he never hates us because we are precious to him. Meanwhile, we have to do our best to please him by behaving right.

If we make mistakes, we can ask for forgiveness and learn from them. Sinning against God intentionally breaks his heart, so let us not disobey him.


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