Franklin Graham Remembers His Mother’s Legacy On The 17th Anniversary of Her Passing

Franklin Graham Remembers His Mother's Legacy On The 17th Anniversary of Her Passing

Franklin Graham Remembers His Mother’s Legacy On The 17th Anniversary of Her Passing

Franklin Graham recently commemorated his mother, Ruth Bell Graham, in a heartfelt post. He shared that “104 years ago today, my mother Ruth Bell Graham was born in China to missionary parents.” Ruth Bell Graham spent her entire life passionately sharing the message of Jesus Christ with others, including her family at home. Franklin highlighted the depth of her dedication and the impact she had on their lives.

This week also marks the 17th anniversary of Ruth Bell Graham’s passing, referred to by Franklin as her “homegoing to Heaven.” In his post, he expressed his deep sense of loss and longing for his mother, stating, “I miss her.” However, Franklin also conveyed a sense of hope and comfort in his faith, adding, “I know that she is with her Savior, and I will see her again one day.”

Franklin’s tribute serves as a touching reminder of Ruth Bell Graham’s legacy of faith and love, and the lasting impression she left on her family and all who knew her.

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