Gunman Who Shot Pastor Told Ministers Not To Pray For Him

Gunman Who Shot Pastor Told Ministers Not To Pray For Him

Gunman Who Shot Pastor Told Ministers Not To Pray For Him

Gunman Who Shot Pastor Told Ministers Not To Pray For Him: An eyewitness to the shooting death of 22-year-old rising star preacher Dwayne Gordon inside the Eagle Christian Center in Newlands, South Africa, on Friday claims the assailant told church leaders not to pray for him as he bled to death. This statement is made as South African police continue their investigation into the shooting death.

Gordon, a special guest speaker for Eagle Christian Center’s Restoration Conference, was shot and killed when six armed robbers broke into the building and started robbing worshippers in a terrifying incident that was partially recorded on a livestream video posted on the church’s social media page.

According to the eyewitness by the name of Coetzee, “the person who killed Gordon became enraged when the young preacher looked at him in the face”.

“While the prophet was looking at him, he just lifted a gun in our direction. A few seconds later, I heard the prophet breathing loudly. And we couldn’t even attend to him because this guy was still standing here with a gun,” Coetzee said.

He claimed that as Gordon appeared to be choking on his own blood, some of the church’s ministers tried to pray for him, but the shooter insisted that no one pray for him. People who attempted to pray for the pastor, who was dying, were shot.

“The pastor was stretching his hand to pray for the prophet, and the gunman said, ‘Don’t pray; I don’t want you to pray for him’ as he pointed the gun at our pastor,” Coetzee said.

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