How Do The Devil Gain Followers?

How Do The Devil Gain Followers

How Do The Devil Gain Followers?

How Do The Devil Gain Followers? The truth is that we have not seen anyone preaching about the Devil. No one is on the street telling us to follow the Devil that he will change our lives.

All the time we hear that people sell their soul to the Devil or that someone is no longer a Christian. Is not a secret there is a battle between the darkness and the light for over centuries.

We have to face the truth that the kingdom of darkness is winning sometimes but how do they do that?

How do devil get followers since there is no one doing his preaching on the street?

We are aware that there are some people that have opened a satanic churches in some part of the world. The satanic church is not as much as church of Christ around the world.

We don’t see satanic worshipers on the street talking about their Lord (Satan) as we do. What is the secret of their strategy on how they win soul for their master?

We have heard for over many years that big companies and entertainment industries are rooting for the Devil.

There is no evidence to backup the claim and no matter how much of videos that have been released to expose the kingdom of darkness people still want to join.

They Use The Power Of Influence


How Do The Devil Gain Followers pt2

Preaching is not enough to win soul for Christ or the Devil so what is important “Influence”. The followers of the devil do their best to make their lives influential that people are drawn to it.

They make it to appear fun and good so that they can attract people. The most nicest people on earth are people that have bad intentions but that’s not how it should be.

Satanic worshipers are always willing to help anyone whether they like the person or not. They tell people only good things about their master and how life changing it can be.

Those of them that are rich use their riches and power to win soul for their best. Is funny that the agents of darkness are using the principles given to us by God to work for Satan.

The word of God has told us multiple times that we are to use our resources to work for God. The beautiful ones among them use their beauty to attract young men and girls that admires them.

Even when things are not working for them they believe in their master. The faith they have in Satan is stronger and bigger than the ones we have in God.

You can never catch them speaking ill about their master no matter what they are facing in life. Is so easy for Christians to claim that God doesn’t love them because of the challenges in their life.

Satanic worshipers also face challenges just as we Christians do because that’s part of life. Challenges are allowed in life so that we can be stronger and grow wiser.

They Are Not Loved But They Are Still Obedient

They take their religion seriously no matter how sick they are at the moment. Their prayer time is not missed at all because they love their Lord.

The truth is that their master doesn’t love them and when they make mistake forgiveness is not given to them.

They can’t ask for mercy because devil doesn’t believe in love and he kills his members without thinking.

As Christians our heavenly father loves us and he knows that we are not perfect so when we sin there is mercy for us.

No matter how much we hurt God he still accepts us back but we don’t value him. Humans don’t value things that are cheap or free that’s why we take God for granted.

The blood of Jesus Christ over us is not cheap but we don’t value it because it was given to us for free.




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