Is it Anti-Christ to make money?

Is it anti-Christ to make money

Is it anti-Christ to make money?

Is it anti-Christ to make money? This question has been on so many people’s minds: is it bad for Christians to make money?

For many years, a lot of people have believed that it is false for children of God to be rich. The truth is that chasing money can actually make sure we lose our relationship with God.

Ungodly people are willing to do bad things in life in order to get rich. As children, the way we should chase or make money should be godly.

It is not bad for a Christian to make money, but it must be aligned with the principles of the Lord. Jesus Christ told us in the Bible about the parable of talent, so what we do with our talents matters to him.

Every single one of us has been blessed by the Lord with gifts, talents, passions, and skills. Most of us are still struggling in life because we have discovered our talents.

There are some of us who are good with

  • Singing
  • Writing
  • Acting
  • Reading
  • Teaching
  • Painting
  • Planting
  • Making clothes, shoes, jewelry, and bags
  • Baking

It doesn’t matter if you are aware of your talents or not; just be willing to grow. You might be good at things that are like subjects in school (English, mathematics, literature, business management, agriculture).

Make sure to be the best at whatever you have a passion for, because that will help you grow.

Make sure that your goals are godly.

Is it anti-Christ to make money pt2

Before you apply for any job or want to make money from your talents, make sure that your goals are godly. The best thing we can do in this life is to align our dreams and goals with God’s plan for us.

Don’t compare yourself to other people because we are all different and have different dreams. You can look at other people as a source of inspiration, not out of jealousy.

One of our biggest problems is that we often compare our lives with others. Before you start a business, make sure that you are doing it just for the money because you might lose interest along the way.

We are not allowed to behave like the rest of the world because we are representing God. Whatever we have here on earth is given to us by the grace of God.

If you end up being rich in the future, it is so important for us to use it for the kingdom of God. Most people get rich so that they can brag to other people that they have made it.

The riches we make here on earth are for us to use and help other people. The Lord expects us to use whatever he has given us for his glory.

Remember to put God first.

Is it anti-Christ to make money pt3

One of our biggest problems is that we often forget that God wants the best for us. Whatever we are doing here on earth, let it be to the glory of God.

Making money is not anti-Christ, but without putting God first, that will mislead us. Any success or promotion that will lead us to sin in order to get should not excites us.

It is so important for us to learn how to say “no” when any person or situation wants to lead us to sin. Whatever success we get through sin will not last long because the devil is a liar.

Go around the world or on the on the internet and ask people who got success through sin how their lives are going. Most of them are unhappy and are dealing with a lot of trouble.

Jesus Christ told us in the Bible that he would give us rest, so let us put him first. Only God can give us the peace that passes all understanding.

Trusting God and his timing is also important because most people do bad things because they don’t trust him.

If we obey him and put the Lord first in our lives while chasing money, he will guide us. Also, let our intention be to serve the Lord and help other people with our talents, skills, and gifts.

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