Jerry Savelle Daily Devotionals May 8 2023

Theme For Jerry Savelle Daily Devotionals May 8 2023 – You Are Unique In Him

For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them (Ephesians 2:10 NKJV).

God created you with a unique personality. He gave you specific gifts and interests. His intention is that you express and live-out everything He created you to be. However, to do this it is necessary that you first find out who you are in Christ.

Believers who are living out who they are in Christ will have certain things in common. They will walk in love, be extremely positive, and walk by faith.

However, not every believer was created to express Christ in them in exactly the same way. God never wanted us to be clones of anyone else. Take a look at your fingerprints; no one on the face of this earth has fingerprints like yours.

God made you a unique individual according to His plan and purpose. He carefully established your personality, talents, and interests. He gave you an assignment to pursue that would suit you perfectly and be fulfilling.

Only when you learn to walk in Him will you fully express the fullness of all that God has imparted to you, just as these heroes of the Bible did:

  • In Him, Joseph was an excellent administrator and national leader.
  • In Him, Deborah received revelation that affected the destiny of a nation.
  • In Him, Solomon was extremely wise and extremely rich.
  • In Him, Abraham was a friend of God and a model father.
  • In Him, Gideon was a mighty man of valor.

When you learn to walk in Him, you will discover and fully express the fullness of all God has invested into you.

Credit For Jerry Savelle Daily Devotionals May 8 2023 – Jerry Savelle Ministries

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