Joel Osteen Daily Devotional March 1 2023

Theme For Joel Osteen Daily Devotional March 1 2023 – Planted, Not Buried

Today’s Scripture

John 12:24, NLT

“Unless a kernel of wheat is planted in the soil and dies, it remains alone. But its death will produce many new kernels—a plentiful harvest.” 

Today’s Word

In life, you have to realize that you’ll have some dirt put on you. At times, it feels like you’re a buried seed. You’ll feel like you’ll never get past a sickness, a trouble, an addiction. It’s dark, you feel pressure all around, and you don’t see a way out. The good news is that you’re not buried, you’re planted. When you’re buried, you’re done, but when you’re planted, you’re coming up again, stronger, healthier, more successful. But being planted feels the same as being buried. It’s dark, it’s uncomfortable, you feel pushed down and compacted. If you get discouraged, you’ll give up on your dreams.

Remember that the life of Almighty God is in your seed and is designed to push through the dirt. His life is more powerful than any force that’s trying to hold you back. Get ready, the seed God put in you is about to spring forth—the dreams, the health, the freedom, the abundance, the right people. The greatness God put in you is about to become a harvest.

Prayer for Today

“Father, thank You for the seed of greatness that You’ve placed in me that will only come to life buried under the dirt. Thank You that I am a planted seed, not a buried seed. I believe that the power of Your life in me is about to break forth into a plentiful harvest. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.” 

Credit For Joel Osteen Daily Devotional March 1 – Joel Osteen Ministries

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