Joel Osteen Devotional Daily For Today – Updated Daily

Joel Osteen Devotional Daily For Today – Updated Daily

joel osteen devotional daily

Joel Osteen Devotional Daily. Theme – The Land of Hope


“…my flesh also will dwell in hope.”
(Acts 2:26, ESV)


Where are you dwelling in your heart today? In other words, what are you expecting to happen in your life? What kind of attitude do you have? If your thoughts are stuck and you’re focused on what’s wrong or what’s not working, then it’s time to make a move! It’s time to pack up your belongings and move out of the land of discouragement. It’s time to move out of the “Not-going-to-happen” subdivision and move out of “Can’t-do-it-ville.” It’s time to pack your bags and move into the land of hope, faith and expectation!


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Joel Osteen devotional daily teaches that every time you catch a negative thought, and instead, dwell on God’s promises, it’s like you are packing your bags. Every time you declare God’s faithfulness, you are taking a step in the right direction. The Bible says that those who hope in the Lord will never be put to shame. As you turn your focus toward Him, you are dwelling in the Land of Hope—a land where His peace, blessing and victory reside.


Father, thank You for ordering and directing my steps. Thank You for taking me to the land of hope! I choose to set my mind on You, knowing that You are faithful. I release the past and invite You to fill me with Your peace, blessing and victory in Jesus’ name. Amen.

No More Hiding

God created you to shine, leave your mark, and make a difference in the world. Your gift isn’t just for you; it’s to share with the world. Are you hiding your gifts, talents and personality today because of fear? It’s time to let your light shine! Joel wants to show you in this inspiring message how God has put gifts and talents in you and has given you dreams and goals that are unique to your life. God calls you a mighty hero and He will equip and increase you, but you have to do your part and step out. It’s easy to let fear hold us back: fear of failure, fear of what people are going to think, fear of the unknown. But if you’ll take a step of faith, God will step in and help you. This message will help you step out of the boat and be all that God has created you to be.

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2 thoughts on “Joel Osteen Devotional Daily For Today – Updated Daily”

  1. I am so thankful and beyond all life disappointments, when will life become positive, upbeat again. When I am disappointed I feel let down and then I can not seem to be uplifted again. I know I do not depend on people yet I always hope that someday God will provide the exact freedom so I can have what I need. I would love a Sonic car just to get from A to B since I can not walk that far anymore. My husband needs a car since he has overdone all his life, we are high achievers who live on 3,000.00 a month. The government refuses to uplift our pension to become at least 4000.00 a month to survive. I know whom my Redeemer is I know I am a child of God. Please above all nations let COVID disappear so I can see my grandchildren. When they call or visit I love that, I want to spend time with my children but am not allowed to. I can go to art group and have Christmas in the building, that is limited yes Lord we can have all the wondrous being of Christmas with you as the centre, our source Dear Lord is you, Please Lord us be able to see the children again soon. Let families unite against COVID allow the babies to be here, the fathers, grandfathers, uncles, aunts, great aunties, sisters, brothers, cousins to have family gathering in your presence the Church in our Lord Jesus precious name. Amen


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