Joel Osteen: Joy In The Journey

Joel Osteen shares this message titled “Joy In The Journey” where he teaches that the key to a joyful life is to enjoy where you are while you get to where you want to be. He asked us to take time to appreciate the blessings in your life as you wait for the new things God has in store.

He said that too often we’re going to enjoy life when we accomplish a goal, when the kids are raised, when we get the promotion. Joel Osteen said our joy is always in the future when we cross the finish line. The problem with that approach is there’s always some reason we can’t be happy. Something’s going on that’s causing us to be stressed uptight but the key is to find joy in the journey. He said you’re not there yet, you’re still waiting for things to improve, still believing for the promise, but in the meantime, you’re enjoying where you are while you’re on the way to where you’re going.

If you’re so focused on the finish line, what’s not working out, this trouble at the office, then you’ll miss the beauty of this day.

Watch and learn from this sermon by Joel Osteen “Joy In The Journey” and remember that we bring the latest messages from Pastors around the globe to you.

Video Credit: Joel Osteen YouTube

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