Joel Osteen: Smart Enough?

Today, we bring you a message from Pastor Joel Osteen titled “Smart Enough?”

Pastor Joel teaches us in this message that sometimes people speak negative words and say things that can limit our lives. No matter what anyone has said to you in the past, you have to know that God has a better plan for you. If we let these negative comments play in our minds, they will keep us from becoming who we were created to be. No one can make you think something; you get to choose what you’re going to dwell on. When those lies come, saying “you’re not attractive, you don’t have a good personality, you’re too old,” you can dwell on those lies, and they will poison you.

You can ignore any negative word or comment in your life and not give it the time of day. In the scripture, David faced all kinds of dispositions, with people speaking defeat over him and negative thoughts telling him “that he will not reach his destiny.” How did David get his mind filled with faith? He says in Psalm 38, “My enemies lay traps for me; they made plans to ruin me, but I am deaf to the threats; I choose to hear nothing at all.” If you are going to reach your potential, you have to become deaf to the negative. When threats come and discouraging thoughts are expressed, you have to do like David and choose to hear nothing at all. Don’t give the negativity the time of day; let it go in one ear and out the other. People don’t decide your destiny. Don’t let people talk you out of what God put in your heart.

You have to become defeated by the negative people, the negative relatives, who tell you that you can’t accomplish your dreams. Become defeated by coworkers that make demeaning remarks and say things to belittle you. The Devil will use people to try to keep you from your purpose. They may be good people and love you, but they don’t see what God put in you; they are judging from the outside without knowing what’s inside. God put greatness inside of you.

Watch and learn from this sermon by Pastor Joel Osteen: Smart Enough?” and remember that we bring the latest messages from Pastors around the globe to you.

Video Credit:Joel Osteen YouTube

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