John Maxwell Shares Five Steps to Overcome Pride in Leadership

John Maxwell Shares Five Steps to Overcome Pride in Leadership

John Maxwell Shares Five Steps to Overcome Pride in Leadership

Leadership expert, John Maxwell recently shared valuable insights on addressing the issue of pride in both personal life and leadership. In a concise and practical post, Maxwell outlined five steps to help individuals confront and correct pride, a common barrier to effective leadership.

1. **Recognize your pride today.** Maxwell emphasizes the importance of self-awareness, urging leaders to honestly assess where pride may be affecting their decisions and relationships.

2. **Admit your pride today.** Acknowledging the presence of pride is a crucial step toward personal growth. Maxwell encourages leaders to openly admit their struggles with pride, fostering a culture of transparency.

3. **Express your gratitude today.** Shifting the focus from oneself to others is key. Maxwell suggests that by regularly expressing gratitude, leaders can cultivate humility and a spirit of appreciation.

4. **Practice servanthood today.** True leadership is about serving others. Maxwell advises leaders to actively seek opportunities to serve, putting the needs of others before their own.

5. **Laugh at yourself today.** Maxwell reminds us that taking ourselves too seriously can feed pride. By learning to laugh at ourselves, we stay grounded and maintain a healthy perspective.

Maxwell’s advice serves as a timely reminder for leaders at all levels to confront pride and lead with humility, gratitude, and a servant’s heart.

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