John Piper Sermons – The Power of Your Personal Testimony

John Piper Sermons The Power of Your Personal Testimony

This new teaching by Pastor John Piper titled “The Power of Your Personal Testimony” is what we are bringing to you to listen to and meditate on.

In the ninth chapter of the Gospel of John, we read a remarkable story of a man born blind who was made to see by the miraculous healing power of Christ. It was the kind of miracle, like so many of them, that could not be kept a secret. Word spread far and wide of what Jesus had done to this young man. But the power players of the day rejected the news.

Here we see the full-blown courage of a beggar — a mere beggar standing up to the most religious, most educated people of the land. And we see here full-blown blasphemy in response to that kind of courage. Pastor John tell us that a personal testimony trumps arguments when they’re bad arguments — and they’re all bad arguments when they’re against Jesus. Don’t be intimidated..

Jesus came into the world to seek worshipers. That’s why he’s here. Do you confess him openly and defend him with your simple testimony? No big apologetic reasoning. Some of you are called to that, but most of you aren’t. You’re just called to be witnesses. If you see a car hit a person, you can be a witness. You don’t need any education at all.

I simply ask, Do you confess him openly and defend him with your simple testimony, “I was blind, and now I see”?

This is a message that you will love.

Watch and learn from one of the sermons by Pastor John Piper for the year titled “The Power of Your Personal Testimony” as we bring the latest sermons from pastors around the world to you daily.

Credit: John Piper YouTube/



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