Joyce Meyer Daily Devotional March 26 2022 – God Is Always Good

Theme For Joyce Meyer Daily Devotional March 26 2022 – God Is Always Good

James tells us that God is good, period. He is not good sometimes; He is always good.

Isn’t it wonderful to have a God Who is always the same? With God there is no turning, no variation. We can depend on Him to be faithful all the time, to be merciful and forgiving all the time, to only do us good as long as we live.

If we are having a hard time, if we feel like giving up, God is still good. He is not the Author of our problems. If something bad happens to us, God is still good. He doesn’t do good things for us because we are good, and we deserve them; He does good things for us because He is good, and He loves us. We can depend on God’s goodness in our lives!

The key to happiness and fulfillment is not in changing our situation or circumstances, but in trusting God to be God in our life.

Prayer Starter: Father, I know You are always good, no matter what is going on around me. Please help me to trust You in all situations, good and bad.

Credit For Joyce Meyer Daily Devotional March 26 2022 – Joyce Meyer Ministries

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