Joyce Meyer Devotional 22 September 2019 – Enjoy the Reward

Joyce Meyer Devotional 22 September 2019

Theme For Joyce Meyer Devotional 22 September 2019 – Enjoy the Reward

Taking time to enjoy the fruit of your labor is one of the main things that will keep you pressing on in difficult times.

God gave many men and women in the Bible difficult tasks to perform, but He always promised a reward. Looking to the reward helps us endure the difficulty. The Bible says in Hebrews 12:2 that Jesus despised the cross, but He endured it for the joy of obtaining the prize that was set before Him. He is now seated at the right hand of the Father.

I encourage you not to look merely at the work you do, but look also at the promise of the reward. Take time to be thankful for and enjoy the fruit of your labor, and then you’ll be energized to finish your course.

Prayer Starter: Thank You, Father, that I can always look forward to Your reward in my life. I am grateful that difficult times never last forever, but I can learn from them and expect Your goodness in my life. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Credit For Joyce Meyer Devotional 22 September 2019 – Joyce Meyer 

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