Joyce Meyer Devotional April 14 2021 – Be Kind

Theme For Joyce Meyer Devotional April 14 2021 – Be Kind

Our woman in Proverbs 31 knows the importance of words. She opens her mouth in skillful and godly wisdom. The law of kindness is in her tongue. Speaking kindly to other people is a tremendous attribute and one that certainly enhances a godly woman. She knows that anxiety in a man’s heart weighs it down, but an encouraging word makes it glad (see Proverbs 12:25). We all need kindness, and I believe we will reap what we sow. Proverbs 18:20–21 says that we will have to be satisfied with the consequences of our words and that the power of life and death are in the tongue. It goes on to say that we will eat the fruit of our words for life or death.

Not only do we have the capability of speaking life or death to other people, we have the same ability in our own lives. We can speak words that build confidence in ourselves and others or we can speak words that destroy confidence. Be especially careful about self-talk. This is the conversation that you have with yourself inside yourself. Be sure what you are saying is something you want to live with.

Prayer Starter: Lord, make my heart to be kind and compassionate, so that it overflows in kind words to others. May my words have the power of life in them, to build up others and encourage them. Amen.

Credit For Joyce Meyer Devotional April 14 2021 – Joyce Meyer Ministries /

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