Joyce Meyer: Let Your Test Become Your Testimony

Today,we bring you a message from Pastor Joyce Meyer titled Let Your Test Become Your Testimony” We don’t grow up and become better in good times, we enjoy good times  but we grow up in hard times. Some of us have been through something difficult and now we are on the other side of it, we would look back and say that’s where we became better and improved.

When we’re having trouble we should know that “it is a test” to make us better. We have to know that testimony starts with the word “test”. We thinks that when we are in love with Jesus that nothing will hurts.and that we will get anything that we want, but God will test us with hard times.

God wants to know we are  going to trust him and obey his word like we would when things were good and God does this because he wants to use every single one of us, God has a plan and a purpose for us.

God has a plan and needs every single one of us, because we can’t win the world only with pastors on the platform or television we are very wrong, we can win the world together with each other that’s what God wants us to do, because most of  the people that needs Jesus is not coming to church and they are not watching christian TV.

People that needs Jesus are around us in our neighborhood, at work, school, stores, every single believer is called of God.  Yes we can be happy and enjoy life but we are to do something beyond that to share with other people what God has done for us.

If we’re afraid  of talking to people we can do more preaching and keep our mouth shut, we just have to get out there and live the life and act like Christians.

Watch and learn from this sermon by Pastor Joyce Meyer: Let Your Test Become Your Testimony” and remember that we bring the latest messages from Pastors in Elevation Church to you.

Video Credit: Joyce Meyer YouTube


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