Message by Victoria Osteen – Don’t Look Back, Press Forward

This is a message by Victoria Osteen of Lakewood Church titled “Don’t Look Back, Press Forward” where she teaches that you can’t move forward if you stay focused on your past. The mother of Jonathan Osteen and Alexandra Osteen urges us to let of past mistakes and regrets and press forward to the amazing future God has for us.

In this message she said she finds it so interesting to hear people give the secret to their success. People will say, “there’s that one thing that I did,” or you pick up a magazine and you see, “what is the secrets to their success?” and they will list them.

Victoria said you always want to know what’s that first thing? What’s that one thing? She always like to just kind of learn from people. The bible says, “iron sharpens iron as one man sharpens another.” The apostle Paul, who wrote three quarters of the new testament, shared his secret. You can find it in Philippians 3:12. He said, “the one thing I do is forgetting the things that are behind and pressing towards what is in front of me.”

Apostle Paul knew that when he was looking back, he couldn’t press forward. He said, “I let the things go that are behind me. I don’t look back.” What he was saying was, “I don’t go back to my old mistakes. I don’t relive my failures.” He said, “the most important thing, the thing that has helped me the very most is to not look back.”

Watch and learn from this message by Victoria Osteen “Don’t Look Back, Press Forward” as we bring the latest messages from Pastors in Lakewood Church to you.

Credit: Joel Osteen Ministries YouTube

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