New Episodes of “Adventures of Ben Born Again & Yellow Dog” Debuts

New Episodes of "Adventures of Ben Born Again & Yellow Dog" Debuts

New Episodes of “Adventures of Ben Born Again & Yellow Dog” Debuts

Pastor Greg Laurie has something exciting brewing – have you caught wind of the newest episodes of Adventures of Ben Born Again & Yellow Dog? Whether you’ve already immersed yourself in the latest teachings or you’re on the brink of discovery, now’s the perfect time to engage.

In his recent post, Pastor Greg extends a warm invitation to all, urging viewers to share their thoughts and reflections in the comments below. Your feedback matters! And if you haven’t had the opportunity to tune in just yet, don’t fret. You can easily catch up by heading over to Harvest+ through the link provided in Pastor Greg’s bio.

Join the conversation, dive into the enriching content, and let your voice be heard. Your insights are invaluable as part of this vibrant community of seekers and believers.

So, what are you waiting for? Take a moment to watch the latest episodes, and then share your thoughts. It’s a journey of growth and connection that we embark on together!

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