Pastor Nick Nilson’s ‘You Can Live The Dream’ Now Available in German

Pastor Nick Nilson's 'You Can Live The Dream' Now Available in German

Pastor Nick Nilson’s ‘You Can Live The Dream’ Now Available in German

Pastor Nick Nilson has shared some incredible news with us today. His book, *You Can Live The Dream*, has been translated into German and will be released this week! Pastor Nick said in a post that this is a moment he never imagined would be possible—not only publishing his own book but also seeing it available in another language.

According to Nick, through this journey, he has learnt a valuable lesson: to continue to take the limits off of God. His plans for us are far greater than we can envision, and this milestone is a testament to that truth.

Pastor Nick is thrilled about the opportunity to reach and encourage even more people in Germany, Switzerland, and beyond with his message of hope and inspiration. He believes that *You Can Live The Dream* will uplift and motivate many individuals to pursue their dreams and trust in God’s boundless power.

To celebrate this special occasion, Pastor Nick will be speaking and signing copies this Sunday withhis wonderful Swiss family.

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