Pastor Sarah Jakes Roberts: How To Truly Discover Purpose

Pastor Sarah Jakes Roberts shares this new message titled “How To Truly Discover Purpose” where she announced that it’s Women’s History Month as she kicks it off with an all new devotional series about what it truly means to own your power in order to become everything God has called you to be. She spoke about power in purpose. Pastor Sarah dives deeper into what “purpose” truly means as she makes us to understand that it’s not about a destination.

She said this month reminds her of the power connected to making history as we do not become history makers unless we are empowered by something that is bigger than us to do something that is going to change the world or change the future for someone coming behind us. Thinking about history and power we’ve decided to label this month revolutionary power. She did this podcast with Kadeen Ellis and she’s talking about her life, her family. Kadeem says that she was waiting on purpose … she was waiting on purpose to like hit her and to come in with the flag and announce that it had arrived not realizing that she was literally standing in her purpose.

Watch and learn from this message by Pastor Sarah Jakes Roberts “How To Truly Discover Purpose” as we bring the latest messages from Pastors around  the globe to you.

Credit: Sarah Jakes Roberts YouTube

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