Pastor Sarah Jakes Roberts Pens Tribute For Malachi Jakes On His 22nd Birthday

Pastor Sarah Jakes Roberts Pens Tribute For Malachi Jakes On His 22nd Birthday

Pastor Sarah Jakes Roberts Pens Tribute For Malachi Jakes On His 22nd Birthday

Pastor Sarah Jakes Roberts has taken to social media to celebrate her son, Malachi Jakes on 22nd birthday. In a heartfelt post, she shared how Malachi’s arrival turned her life around, bringing meaning and purpose where there was once emptiness.

“Twenty-two years ago, my life went from meaningless, empty, and floating adrift to anchored to a tiny soul,” she wrote. “Since the first day I heard your faint cry, I knew that I’d do whatever it took to give you the life you deserved.”

Malachi’s birth not only changed Sarah’s life but also strengthened her family bonds. “You made our family closer at a time when life was pulling us apart,” she recalled.

Sarah described Malachi as a beacon of kindness, joy, patience, power, strength, wisdom, humor, and divinity. She expressed her deep gratitude for his presence in her life, saying, “You saved my life. You are my angel on earth, my messenger from God, my Malachi.”

Reflecting on Malachi’s life, Sarah felt the same joy she experienced twenty-two years ago. She prayed for Malachi to be overwhelmed by the love he has inspired and for God to grant him his heart’s desires. Sarah also wished for Malachi to experience deep love, joy, and connection with those around him and to discover purpose in everything he does.

“You’ve already made the world better with your life,” Sarah wrote. “It’s only impactful from here.”

As Malachi continues to grow, Sarah’s love and support for him remain unwavering. Her heartfelt birthday message serves as a testament to the profound impact a child can have on their parents’ lives and the world around them.

Happy Birthday Malachi Jakes!

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