Peer Pressure Causes Mental Illness

Peer pressure causes mental illness

Peer pressure causes mental illness.

Peer pressure causes mental illness: Currently, in our world, the rate of mental illness is increasing. Doctors are doing their best to educate the public on how to care for their mental health.

Some teenagers and young adults are glorifying their mental illnesses. Everyone is claiming to be a psycho because they think it is cool.

This article is not to shame people with the actual health challenge (mental). 

It is so important that we do our best to protect our minds and have the peace of the Lord. Do things that support and make your health better.

Most teenagers and adults are so obsessed with drugs and illegal drinks. These are the plans of the enemy to destroy the children of God because we are great.

Teenagers and young adults are the future of every society, so the devil is working hard. No matter what we face here on earth, our solution is to have a close relationship with God.

The number of young people who have been mad recently is shocking. Young people are pressured by their peers to try illegal stuff, and when they say no, that makes them clowns.

Negative peer pressure

As children of God and also as parents, we have to understand that some peer pressures are from hell. The devil has done his best to make everyone believe that “godly living is boring.”

The truth is that godly living is the best because we don’t have to live our future with regrets. People who spent their youth years living in sin always end up regretting it and being in sorrow.

The Lord wants us to come close to him with all our hearts at a young age. When we serve the Lord with our youth, we are going to have a beautiful future.

We have nothing to regret when we are going to be in our 50’s or 80’s.

Ungodly living effects

Some people who spend all their money gambling end up in poverty. Young people who watch all the pornography on the internet or engage in it end up with STDs.

Those who spend all their time drinking all the illegal stuff end up at the hospital. Serving the Lord is more beautiful than living every day.

Some young girls have given up on their dreams because they got pregnant at a young age. Young boys are no longer in school because they became fathers at a very young age.

God has a great and beautiful plan for all of us, but the devil is selling us lies. He has made us believe that living in sin is more fun.

How is hating and gossiping about other people fun?

How is being a bully fun?

So, is being an addict fun? They are not fun because they will lead us to live with regrets and sorrow.

As parents, let’s protect our kids.

Peer pressure causes mental illness pt2


Teenagers and young adults always feel that they know enough and that they want to live their lives. Most of them don’t know anything, and they are still making mistakes.

Some of them are still discovering themselves and their talents, likes, and dislikes. We have to teach them to follow Jesus Christ because he is our savior.

Teach them that peer pressure can lead to a terrible future. Our kids and younger siblings should focus on their talents, gifts, studies, and getting closer to God.

The Bible instructs us to train our kids in the right way so that when they grow, they won’t depart from it. Our part is to teach them the right things in life, and the Holy Spirit will do the rest.

Proverbs 22:6: “Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old, they will not turn from it.


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