Prophet Lovy Elias Calls For Prayers Over Recent Vision

Prophet Lovy Elias Calls For Prayers Over Recent Vision

Prophet Lovy Elias Calls For Prayers Over Recent Vision

Prophet Lovy Elias recently shared a profound vision with his followers on Instagram. He described a symbolic scene filled with deep meaning and potential implications. In his vision, he saw a young bear moving from the west to the east, heading towards an eagle’s nest. This nest was significant, not only because it was an eagle’s home but also because it contained a purple rose, a symbol often associated with enchantment and spiritual growth.

The vision further revealed an old eagle that had lost its feathers and was struggling to grow them back. This old eagle’s plight symbolizes a loss of strength or renewal, hinting at a period of vulnerability and transformation. Another eagle, sensing this weakness, attempted to take over the nest, sparking a subtle yet intense conflict.

In a twist of fate, the featherless old eagle fell asleep, causing a disruption in the timing of the bear, the purple rose, and the eagle trying to reclaim the nest. This disruption symbolizes a critical moment where timing and actions are thrown off balance, leading to unforeseen consequences.

Prophet Lovy’s vision carries a profound message and he calls on his followers to pray. This is emphasizing the need for spiritual vigilance and support during times of transition and conflict.

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