“Put Gratitude On Repeat” – Taylor Madu

Put Gratitude On Repeat - Taylor Madu

“Put Gratitude On Repeat” – Taylor Madu

Taylor Madu has a thing or two to teach us about gratitude. The beautiful wife of Pastor Robert Madu shared adorable photos of her family as she takes us on the importance of gratitude.

“In order to keep a healthier perspective, I often pause to ask myself — “if I knew this was my last day on earth, how differently would I live today” she stated. Taylor went on to teach us on how she would approach life, emphasizing on how she would live in the moment.

Taylor Madu’s heartfelt post is a beautiful reminder to appreciate the beauty in everyday life. Her reflection on how she would live her last day on earth is a powerful exercise in gratitude and mindfulness.

How often do we get caught up in worries about tomorrow, stressing about things we can’t control, and allowing offense to settle in our hearts? Taylor’s words encourage us to let go of these burdens and instead, live in the moment. To love harder, give more, and cherish the people and experiences that bring us joy.

As she so eloquently puts it, “We ask for miracles… but there are miracles all around.” Let’s put gratitude on repeat today and every day, and find the beauty in the everyday moments we often overlook.

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