Sarah Jakes Roberts & Miss Diddy: How To Embrace The unknown

Sarah Jakes Roberts and Miss Diddy share this message titled “How To Embrace The Unknown” where Miss. Diddy gave us the cheat code for how she has been able to embrace the unknown. Listen to what she has to say about fear and what she navigates her life around.

She said the spirit of fear is its own thing and the spirit of fear actually fears us but because it’s the spirit of fear we think we have to take on fear and fear is really not just it. What matters is understanding what’s happening around you and the unknown being really unfamiliar; that is … we get to a place where knowing that the unknown is still okay.

We have to follow God’s dream for our lives and you got to change how you’re looking at fear and what that looks like and know that fear actually fears us. She said we’re actually more proud, more powerful than it.

Watch and learn from this message by Sarah Jakes Roberts & Miss Diddy “How To Embrace The Unknown” as we bring the latest messages from Pastor Sarah and her husband Pastor Toure Roberts to you.

Video Credit: Sarah Jakes Roberts YouTube

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