Sarah Jakes Roberts: Navigating the Unexpected

Today we bring you a fresh excerpt from Sarah Jakes Roberts, which is titled “Navigating the Unexpected.” The text for the message is from 1 Kings 18:32.

In this message, Pastor Sarah teaches us that even the most organized and prepared among us can get caught slippin’! And when things hit us that we didn’t see coming, it may look as if we won’t recover. Sometimes, while we are checking on one thing that should have been in trouble, we tend to miss that one thing that you could never have expected.

She pointed out that the things we regret most are the things we missed. During this time, there is a part of us that believes that once we miss it, we can never recover. There are a lot of us sitting on a seat that is drowning.

Reading from the book of Ephesians 2, Sarah reminds us that we are seated with Christ. Even Ephesians 1 tells us that sitting with God means that we are seated above principalities and powers. Therefore, the doubts in us that tell us that we can never recover are an indication that our faith in Christ is drowning. This is because you have lost the power and authority that you ought to have over that situation.

This is a message that you will learn from.

Watch and learn from this sermon by Pastor Sarah Jakes Roberts, “Navigating the Unexpected,” as we bring the latest messages from pastors around the globe to you.



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