Saying Sorry Is Not Enough In Life

Saying Sorry Is Not Enough In Life

Saying Sorry Is Not Enough In Life

Saying Sorry Is Not Enough In Life:  Everyone knows that God is a loving father and he’s willing to forgive our sins. The problem is that many of us are taking the good heart that God has for granted.

He thinks good and better thought for us all the time and he’s willing to fight our battles. Most Christians are not willing to change from their bad habits but they love to say sorry to God.

Repentance is not about saying sorry to God but we must be willing to change. The truth is that is hard to change from our bad habits but with consistency of doing good that will help us.

Having bad habits in life will limit us a lot if we don’t change from it. Habits are replaced and not broken so if we want to change let us replace our bad habits.

Many people are comfortable sinning against God because they know that God will forgive them. Saying sorry to God is not enough so let us do our best to improve in life.

Many people think that obeying God is for him but is for own betterment. The commandments and rules that the Lord has given to us is to protect us and become better.

If we love God the way he loves us that will help us not to sin against him. Our heavenly father loves us more than we love him so that we  let dwell in his everlasting love.

Treat People The Right Way 

Saying Sorry Is Not Enough In Life pt2

As children of God the way we treat people is really important because we are representing God. He that created us wants us to be like him because he is love.

When we hurt someone let us do our best to apologize and not repeat it again. We are not to love or like everyone we have an encounter with but we must not treat them bad.

Other people’s lifestyle are going to be different from ours and it might not be good. We are not to judge them but we must be careful so that we don’t get influenced by them either.

Everyone is going to view life differently from us but remember that our goal is to win them for God. Is important for us to understand that God is the one that has the power to change people.

Most of us are stressed out because of the bad behavior of someone in our lives but just give it to God. show basic kindness to people that you encounter whether you like them or not.

When we hurt someone by mistake let us learn to say “I’m sorry” and behave better. The way we relate to other people is what can determine if we can win them over for Christ.

You can’t insult or judge someone and expect them to listen to the gospel of Christ. God is love and he sent Jesus Christ to die for us and Jesus Christ came to die because he loves us too.

Christianity is build on love and treating people right not by judging and hating on other people. When Jesus Christ fed 5000 people some of them doesn’t like him but he still gave them food.

Let be like Jesus Christ and spread love and his gospel so that other people can find God.

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