Pastor Steven Furtick: God’s Working; Stop Stressing

Pastor Steven Furtick shares this sermon titled “God’s Working; Stop Stressing” and it is a sermon you will love to listen to where he teaches that your fear is no match for your faith. This is an excerpt from his sermon “A Troubled Mind And An Open Door.”

He said he can’t last five minutes that somebody doesn’t text him back and he has not started making up the most screwed-up scenarios in his head. According to him, if Holly doesn’t pick up the phone within 25 seconds, in his mind she’s dead, the car has flipped seven times. He said he knows it’s kind of funny, but it’s really not.

Pastor Steven said you can’t let the Devil outwit you because he is using stuff that hasn’t even happened yet to run you off from opportunities that are right in front of you. He’s bringing movies from the past. He is bringing classic movies that happened 20 years ago, and it keeps you from seeing what’s standing two feet in front of you. But God said, “When I open a door, no devil can shut it.” The reason the Devil is at the door to begin with is because what God has on the other side of it is so important.

Watch and learn from this sermon by Pastor Steven Furtick “God’s Working; Stop Stressing” and remember that we bring the latest messages from Pastors around the globe to you.

Video Credit: Steven Furtick YouTube

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