Steven Furtick Sermon: Scrolling For Hours Causes Anxiety

Pastor Steven Furtick shares this sermon titled “Scrolling For Hours Causes Anxiety” where he teaches that in an age of anxiety, you have to make a place for peace. This is an excerpt from his sermon “Why Am I Anxious?”

He talked about “Search me…” saying that those two words would set you free from 90 percent of the drama, because some of you borrow drama trying to look into other people’s lives.

“Search me, God, and know my heart.” Did you notice the shift? He’s fussing and cussing about the way things are in the world, these bloodthirsty men and all these selfish politicians and all this systemic corruption. “God, do something about it.”

Then he shifts and says, “Search me.” Nothing changes until I do. “…know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts.”

Apparently, according to my non-scientific YouTube study, all of you are anxious. We live in the age of
anxiety. Let’s be honest about it. It is almost marketed to us through the stations that are supposed to be giving us our information. They actually engage us using fear tactics so they can sell advertising time, often promoting the same drug and pharmaceutical companies that are owned by the same conglomerates that push out the information that is designed to make us anxious.

Watch and learn from this sermon by Pastor Steven Furtick : “Scrolling For Hours Causes Anxiety” as we bring the latest messages from pastors around the globe to you.

Credit: Steven Furtick YouTube

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