The Trap Of Unforgiveness

The Trap Of Unforgiveness

The Trap of Unforgiveness

The Trap of Unforgiveness: The truth is that many of us don’t really know that unforgiveness can trap us in life. It’s easy to focus on all the bad things done to us by everyone, and that’s bad because that can destroy us.

The word of God has instructed us to forgive anyone who wronged us so that we can please God.

Our heavenly father is aware of all the bad things they have done to you, but he will reward you and fight for you.

When Jesus Christ came on earth, he discovered that unforgiveness is common among everyone, so he taught everyone the art of letting go.

The law of Moses told us to hate our enemies, but our Lord Jesus Christ changed it so that we should pray for them.

It can be hard to pray for those who have offended us, but that’s why we have the Holy Spirit.

The spirit of God is there to guide us through life and make us better.

When we give our lives to Christ and accept him as our Lord and personal savior, then we can hear the Holy Spirit.

We are not to deal with the challenges of life alone because we are loved by our heavenly father.

The truth is that people can be annoying, but it is up to us to protect our peace by obeying God.

The word of God is not telling us to keep quiet or swallow everything when we are getting disrespected.

We can stand up for ourselves in a polite manner without using the curse words.

Forgiveness can be done without the offender apologizing to us because waiting for it means that we have lost our power.

Our emotions can be controlled.

The Trap Of Unforgiveness pt2

It is impossible for us to control how people are going to behave towards us. We have to understand that not everyone has the mind or heart to be good.

Many of us grew up in different environments and had different parental training. It can be easy or tempting for us to treat people badly because they did the same to us.

Let us do our best to have our emotions under control by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Our reaction (respond) should  reflect  of God’s glory because we are his children. The Christian community is not telling us to allow anyone to disrespect us.

There are times for us to stand up for ourselves, but it should be good. When we are treated badly, we can walk away from the person or the people because being around negative people can affect us.

We can also have face-to-face conversations with the person so that they don’t try it the next time.

Lack of forgiveness can cause a lot sickness in the body like heart attacks, High blood pressure and so on. Many people are sick because of the hatred and unforgiveness stored in their hearts.

Letting good of things or people that are serving us is really important in our Christian journey.

The devil wants us to have unforgiving hearts so that he can destroy us. He’s always looking for a way for him to sneak into our lives.

He wants us to develop health complications so that he can destroy us. As children of God, let us learn how to handle everything to him for his cares for us.

We can’t forgive by free will because our mind and soul are too emotional, but through the Holy Spirit we can.

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