What Has Your Focus In Life?

What has your focus in life

What Has Your Focus In Life?

What Has Your Focus In Life? How is your life going? Is it going how you hoped for it to go? Many people in our world today are unhappy with how their lives are going.

It is important for us to learn how to take responsibility for things happening in our lives. If we want to know the reason why our lives are bad, let us pay attention to what has our focus.

Whatever we pay attention to is what we feed, and that is what will grow. The word of God told us to focus on things that are above, so let us think good thoughts.

It is not a secret that things in life are getting more challenging, but there are good times too. Things won’t go bad for the rest of our lives if we dare ourselves to be positive.

For the thought the Lord has for us is good and not evil, to give us a beautiful future. Your life currently can be filled with ups and downs, but know that God is still in control.

The one who created you is aware of everything that is going on in your life. Everything will get better if you trust in the Lord and make him the center of your life.

Things only get better.

What Has Your Focus In Life pt2

If we learn to take responsibility for everything in our lives instead of looking for someone to blame, it gets easier.

Do your best to find the reason why your life is not going great and look for solutions. Some of us are scared or too lazy to find solutions to our problems, but that only makes them worse.

God is always willing to deliver us if only we are ready to change. What bad habits, whether micro or big, may be affecting you?

  • Are you overspending?
  • Do you spend so much time on your phone doing nothing?
  • Are you shy or are you scared of doing something new?
  • Don’t waste your time comparing your life with others and being jealous.
  • What words do you speak to yourself?
  • How do you treat yourself?
  • How close are you with God?
  • What is your relationship with the people around you?
  • Are you saving some money?
  • Are you willing to start that new business?
  • Who are you hanging out with?
  • Where do you hang out?

Most of the time, we are the cause of our problems, and we are not willing to accept that. Look around you and figure out areas that you need to improve in.

Changes are often painful.

What Has Your Focus In Life pt3

Nothing on this earth is meant to be on a permanent level forever, like a tree grows and some gets old. Even human beings start as babies, toddlers, preteens, teenagers, and adults.

There are levels that the Lord has meant for us to reach, but we must be willing to grow. Butterfly also go through a process of change in order to appear beautiful.

Changes are not always easy, but they’re necessary because being in the same state only makes things worse.

Keep doing your best to improve in all areas of your life so that you can enjoy life. Life doesn’t get easy; it’s up to us to make changes in order to live happily.

As children of God, we are not meant to go through life on our own. Jesus Christ knew that life can be tough, so he sent us the Holy Spirit to guide us through everything.

Involve the Holy Spirit in everything that you do, and he will take control of everything.

Note: This article is not to give you false hope; the goal is to help you get better.
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