Who Are You Surrounded With In Life?

Who Are You Surrounded With In Life

Who Are You Surrounded With In Life?

Who Are You Surrounded With In Life? It’s not a secret that making friends and connections is really important if you want to go far in life.

As Christians, we have to be careful about the kind of people we surround ourselves with. We are not to be judgmental and hate other people, but being careful is needed.

If we are not careful, that might open doors to demons into ourselves in the form of friends. Not everyone we have an encounter with is meant to stay forever in our lives.

There have been multiple people here on earth that have been deceived by their friends. God has planned a great future for us all but is left for us to follow his path.

Yes, the path of God may not be easy, but we are never going to be alone. There are great gifts and talents inside of us placed by God so that we can have purpose.

Life is not about partying, relationships, and material possessions because we won’t die with them. At the end of our race, we are to give account to God about what we did with our lives.

Both God and the devil are watching us, so let us allow God to guide us through life. The intention of the Lord for us is of good, not evil, to give us a beautiful end.

Any bad decisions that we make, whether influenced by our friends, are going to affect us alone. Children of God are not meant to live like every other person here on earth.

The Lord Will Judge Everything 


Everything that happens under this sky will be judged by God, be it good or evil. This life is given to us, but we are not meant to live anymore we like.

The commandment that God gave to us is to guide us, not to control us. If our heavenly father wanted to control us, he wouldn’t give us the power of free will.

He gave us the power of free will so that we can use it to choose his will. The will of God for ourselves is always better than what we think.

If we make the decision to follow the Lord, our lives are going to make sense. He will lead us through the path of life, and we can do great things.

We have to die to our flesh first by surrendering ourselves to God so that he can use us. Many of us are afraid of being used by God because we thought that it wouldn’t be cool.

Our heavenly father is the coolest dad ever, and he’s powerful too. No matter what we are facing in life, we know with faith that he will take care of them.

Our behaviors should reflect his glory and goodness all the time. Jesus Christ came on earth and saw that we can’t handle life alone, so he gifted us the Holy Spirit.

Every Christian here on earth should accept the spirit of God so that he can guide us.

  • The Holy Spirit is always there to teach us things that we don’t understand.
  • The spirit of God is always there to comfort us in times of pain so that our faith in God never fails. 
  • He’s there to guide us in everything that we do. 
  • God’s spirit is there to be our friends.

The kind of people we surround ourselves with can make us or break us. The kind of media that we consume can also determine the direction of our lives.

Not everything that is out there is meant for us to watch or listen to as Christians. The enemy is doing his best to use the media to carry on his demonic works.

Remember that we become like the 5 people we surround ourselves with. Even what we watch or listen to can influence us and we start becoming like them.

The bible told us that bad company corrupts good manners so lets be careful. 1 Corinthians 15:33 (KJV):

Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners.”

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