Why Is The World Comfortable With Mocking Christ? (Olympics)

Why Is The World Comfortable With Mocking Christ Olympics

Why Is The World Comfortable With Mocking Christ? (Olympics)

Why Is The World Comfortable With Mocking Christ? (Olympics): This is not the first time that Christianity have been mocked and everyone is comfortable with it.

Christianity is not the only religion on earth but we are the most hated and mocked. Christianity is not even a religion is a lifestyle but we are still hates.

This Olympic has started and what came to the mind of the event organizers is to mock God. They did they best to recreate the last supper picture of Jesus Christ and his disciples but in s sinful nature.

The event organizers allowed drag queens to do this against God and that’s not right. We are not meant to be violent people but that does not mean that we are to keep quiet.

If they don’t love Christianity they have no right to mock us and our Lord Jesus Christ. They don’t love us but they won’t leave us alone is that not “Obsessions?”

Why don’t they try to mock other religions? because they know that we are the most peaceful group in the world. The world claim not to like us but they are so interested in everything that we do.

This is not the First Time 

In movies and music video they have normalized mocking Christianity and things that belong to us. We are not surprised because God has told us that this time is going to come.

Our duty as children of God is to stay focused on our God so that the devil will not win. Is so important for us to have close relationships with God so that our faith won’t be tested by devil.

The world can do whatever they like but our goal so be to represent God with all our heart. Our lifestyle should reflects God’s personality and love.

Remember that we are not of the world so they can paint Christianity anyhow they want but we know the truth. The truth is that Jesus Christ is the son of God and he’s coming back soon to take us with him.

The devil is doing his best to steal people that he will destroy and lead to hell. Their goal is to piss us off so that we will lose our cool and say bad things that are not godly.

Remember that no one fights for God because he is a mighty warrior and he will fight his battle with victory.  Let us do our best by living according to god’s will so that we will make it to heaven.

Reminder: Don’t lose your focus so that we won’t miss heaven at the end. God will fight his battle our job is to represent him here on earth.


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