Why It’s Easy to Blame God

Why It's Easy to Blame God

Why It’s Easy to Blame God

Why It’s Easy to Blame God: From the time of Moses to our time today, people have always found it easy to blame God.

It doesn’t matter how much good the Lord has done in our lives; we always focus on the things he didn’t do.

When we blame God, that breaks his heart because he loves us and wants us to trust him. God may have allowed you to be in a challenging situation, but he still loves you.

As Christians, we have to understand that God is aware of everything that we are going through. Even in tough conditions, he is still there for us, and we are never alone.

He allows us to go through a hurtful path for us to grow spiritually, emotionally, and mentally. When you have bad habits that separate you from him, the Lord will find a way to make you change.

It’s important for us to try our best to see positivity in any condition that we find ourselves in. The condition can be hurtful, like losing someone you love, not passing your exams, or not getting your dream job.

In everything, give thanks to the Lord, for he’ll deliver you, no matter the condition. Blaming God opens the door for the enemy to come into our lives and destroy us.

Be careful and watch your mouth.

Why It's Easy to Blame God pt2

Our biggest problem in life is our mouth and mind. When things don’t go as planned, it’s easy for us to call God out.

Many people have formed the habit of counting how many times God has disappointed them. Most times, we are the cause of our problems, and when God doesn’t save us, we call him “uncaring God.”

If your life is failing apart presently, instead of complaining, it is better to pray to God. Write down what you hope for your future to look like, and keep a positive attitude.

Renewal of mind is really important in our journey as Christians because it helps us control our mind.

If we don’t train our mind to give thanks to God no matter the condition, that can lead us to focus on the negative alone.

The Lord who created us will not live with us or forsake us in times of trouble. Instead of giving up on God, let us hold him with all our strength because the enemy will do his best to steal us away.

God will not let something be taken away from you if he doesn’t have something greater. Your heavenly father wants to promote you to a greater level.

Whatever you believe in is going to manifest in your life. Most of us only expect negative outcomes in life, and when they happen, we blame God.

Whatever you say is what you believe in, so that’s why we are instructed to be careful about our words. What you truly believe is what you’re going to be talking about all the time.

Be careful about the people you hang out with because they can influence you. Make friends with people who will help you become better. Instead of doubting God, they will help you believe in him more.

The Work of the Devil

The devil knows that blaming God will break his heart because he loves us. The reason that most of us have the urge to question God’s love for us is because of the devil.

He will remind us of how many times God didn’t answer our prayer. The enemy is working hard all the time to steal us away from God so that he can destroy us.

Doubting God opens the doors for the devil and his demons to enter our lives. If you have noticed that you are blaming God, just ask for forgiveness.

The plan of the enemy is to hold us with guilt and shame so that we are afraid of going back to our father. Your father is willing and ready to take you back.

Let’s do our best by guarding our minds and mouths so that we won’t speak against God.


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