Will A Loving Father Send His Kids To Hell?

Will A Loving Father Sent His Kids To Hell

Will a Loving Father Send His Kids To Hell?

Will a Loving Father Send His Kids To Hell? The new argument on the internet is that hell is not real because God is a loving father.

The unbelievers say that God is not a good father because a loving father can’t send his kids to hell. The truth is that no matter how much the world tries to paint God, he is still God.

It is not the will of God that any of us should perish, so that’s why he gave us his commandments. We have to understand that the commandments of God are not given to us so that he can control us.

Our heavenly father wants to guide us through life and not to control us as puppets. He gave us the power of free will because he wants us to learn how to make the right decision.

It is up to us to use our power of free will to choose the will of God for our lives. We are told in the Bible that hell is real so that we can be aware of the place so that we won’t make the mistake of going there.

The Bible didn’t tell us that hell with real without giving us tips on how not to go there. People don’t want to believe that hell is real because they don’t want to change their ways.

Why Will God Create A Hell In The First Place?

Will A Loving Father Sent His Kids To Hell pt2

The word of God has told us multiple times that hell is not a place for children of God. The hell was created for Satan and his demons that disobeyed God.

The Devil saw that he was going to be alone, and he also wanted to hurt God. Because the devil knows that God loves us and the only way to hurt him is by making us disobey him. .

From a Christian perspective, the existence of hell is often understood in the context of free will, justice, and the nature of God’s holiness.
  1. Free Will: God created humans with the ability to make choices. He doesn’t force anyone to love Him or follow His ways. Love that is coerced is not truly love, so God gives people the freedom to choose Him or reject Him. Hell, then, is seen as a consequence of rejecting God. It is not God’s desire for anyone to end up in hell (2 Peter 3:9), but out of respect for human autonomy, He allows people to choose their path, even if it leads away from Him.
  2. Justice: Although God is caring, He is also just. Throughout the Bible, God’s justice is highlighted with His love. Sin and evil cannot live in God’s holy presence; hence, hell is considered a location where evil is dealt with. If God overlooked sin, He would be unjust. Hell is thus viewed as the result of rebelling against God’s ways.
  3. God’s Holiness: God’s nature is perfectly holy and pure. Sin is a violation of that holiness. Base on  Christian belief, those who choose to live in sin without accepting the redemption offered through Jesus Christ. Sinners choose to be separated from God’s holiness and love. Hell represents this separation. It is not that God wants to send people there, but it’s the result of living in opposition to His holiness.

Hell can be difficult concept to reconcile with a loving God. It’s important for us to understand it as part of the broader framework of free will, justice, and the reality of human choice.

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