4 Reasons Why Christmas Might be the Most Jewish Story

4 Reasons Why Christmas Might be the Most Jewish Story

Christmas is a joyous time of the year when Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, usually on December 25th. While many traditions have been incorporated over the centuries, Christmas still holds a special significance for many Christians worldwide.

The Christmas story, with its themes of hope, family, and the arrival of a promised Messiah, holds deep meaning for people of all faiths. However, for Gateway Church senior pastor Robert Morris, the narrative takes on a unique significance, revealing its profound connection to Jewish history and prophecy.

In his recent Instagram post, he outlines 4 compelling reasons why Christmas might be considered the most Jewish story of all: He wrote his points as follows:

  1.  The Christmas story is about the descendant of David & Abraham:
    Matthew 1:1 starts by declaring, “This is a record of the ancestors of Jesus the Messiah, a descendant of David and of Abraham.” Matthew starts with a clear, solid line from Jesus to Abraham, including King David. Jesus is a “son” of David and of the Jewish people.
  2. The Angel declares to Mary that the child will save the Jewish people:
    We are often taught that Jesus (Yeshua) means savior but forget that the Angel declared that because he would save HIS people.
  3. The Christmas story took place in Israel:
    This might seem self-explanatory, but just in case we forgot, our manger scenes take place in Israel.
  4. The Hebrew Scriptures prophesied about His coming to the land and people of Israel:
    Matthew connects Jesus’ birth in Bethlehem to the Hebrew prophet Malachi’s words.
Pastor Morris concludes by asserting Jesus’ position as the Messiah of the Jewish people, drawing on the Gospel of Matthew as his source. He reminds us that while Jesus is the Messiah of Israel, his message of salvation extends to all who believe, Jews and Gentiles alike.

“The Gospel of Matthew reminds us that Jesus is the Messiah of Israel–the Jewish people,” he wrote. “And that makes Him the Savior of ALL people, Jews and Gentiles, who place their faith in Him and the Father who sent Him to earth 2,000 years ago.”


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