5 Signs God Wants You to Break Up

5 Signs God Wants You to Break Up

5 Signs God Wants You to Break Up

5 Signs God Wants You to Break Up: Most of us often have the feeling of questioning our relationships. When we find ourselves questioning our relationships, that can be a sign from God.

We often forget that God wants the best for us and cares about us. When we find ourselves in relationships that God did not approve of, there will be signs of a breakup.

God wants us to be happy and have the best relationship in our lives. We have to pay close attention so that we don’t ignore God’s signs of a breakup.

  1. You have a feeling. God often guides us through our feelings. When we welcome God into our hearts, He can show us the path He has planned for us. Anytime we feel that our relationship is not suitable, that can be a sign from God.
  2. You often see yourself disobeying God. Don’t be in any relationship that makes you disobey God. The Bible says in 1 Corinthians 15:33, “Do not be deceived: ‘Bad company corrupts good character.'”
    Spending time with negative influences should be avoided. God desires that you be with someone who values your faith. If your date encourages you to act in ways that are contradictory to God’s will, it may be time to reconsider your relationship.
  3. You are not in control. When you are not in control of your behavior around your date, reconsider your relationship. God created you to be self-sufficient and capable. If your date does not allow you to make decisions for yourself, you end up doing whatever they say.
  4. You value them more. God does not want us to put anyone else before him. No matter how much we love our date, we have to put God first.
  5. They Don’t Value God: In a Christian relationship, shared faith is important. If your lover isn’t as devoted to God as you are, your relationship may suffer. If they cannot share your commitment to faith, it is critical that they support it.


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