9 Ways To Overcome Temptation As Christians

9 Ways To Overcome Temptation As Christians

9 Ways To Overcome Temptation As Christians

9 Ways to Overcome Temptation as Christians: The temptation to sin is something all of us face as Christians, no matter how long we’ve been following Christ.

However, there are useful actions we may take to become more knowledgeable and powerful in our fight against sin.

We can overcome temptations by following the steps in the Bible.

It’s true that every circumstance you encounter in life will either encourage growth or hinder it. What you ultimately decide to do is what matters most.

  1. Make peace with God. The Bible says that the first step in overcoming temptation is to come to God in repentance and faith. Recognize that only Jesus Christ can make you right with God.
  2. Recognize Your Sinful Nature: We have to be true to ourselves at all times.Recognizing our human tendency to be tempted by our own fleshly wants is the first step toward conquering temptation. Don’t be surprised if you find yourself tempted to sin; be prepared for it.
  3. Pray when you feel tempted. Prayer is our way of talking to God, and he always listens to us. We have to go to God when we feel tempted and ask for his help to overcome it.
  4. Run Away From Temptation: When you find yourself face-to-face with temptation, run from it. When you meet temptation, search for the way out—the way of escape—that God has promised.
  5. Read your Bible. Reading the Bible can give us ways to overcome temptation in our lives.
  6. Use the Word of God to Resist Temptation: The Word of God enabled Jesus to overcome the devil’s temptations. If it worked for him, it will work for us. And, because Jesus was entirely human, he can understand our difficulties.
  7. When you fail, quickly repent. When we give in to temptation, we have to repent and come back to God. Failing is not the end of the world, but continuing in your sin is dangerous.
  8. Be Honest with God and Others: Ask God to help you succeed next time we face a similar situation. Tell God about your sins and temptations.
  9. Depart from ungodliness and embrace godliness. Take charge of your desires (or urges) rather than allowing them to control you. It is not enough to simply renounce wicked impulses; you must also find fulfillment in the Lord for your virtuous aspirations.


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