Honor The Promises That God Has Made To You.

Honor the promises that God has made to you

Honor the promises that God has made to you.

Honor the promises that God has made to you: Throughout the Bible, God makes so many promises to his children.

Our heavenly father is so loving that he is willing to give life of other people for his kids. He also punish us when we do something wrong so that we can learn.

God doesn’t punish us because he hates us; he wants us to learn from our mistakes. If you don’t want to be punished, it is better to obey the commandment of the Lord.

Everything that we do here on earth, our heavenly father is interested, but it’s up to us to invite him first. The Lord has given us the power of free will, but we must use our free will to choose him.

He’s at the door of our heart knocking and if we love him let us open our heart to him. The promises on the bible is not the only promises he made to us.

Jesus Christ can speak to us in our hearts and minds, but only if we are willing to listen. New promises are made to us every day because God has not stopped talking to us.

Listen To Your God

Honor the promises that God has made to you pt2

The biggest misconception that most of us have believed in is that God speaks to only perfect people. He loves every single one of us and is up to us to decide if we want to love him back.

Even when we are sinners he loved us and was willing to die for us.  The Lord was ready to die for us so that we can come back to God.

Jesus Christ and Holy Spirit is always speaking to us so that they can guide us through life. Most of us are so deep in sinful life that we can’t hear our heavenly father’s voice.

No one that listens to God ever regrets it in the future because he gives the best advice. Some of us are afraid of listening because we feel that his advice is going to be boring.

Our heavenly father gives the best advices and he will never leave us no matter what. Yes we are not perfect and he loves us but we must be willing improve in order to be better.

As children of God we are not meant to be baby Christians forever we musts mature. If we remain baby Christians the devil will beat us up in this battle of life.

Spiritual growth and Personal Development 

Honor the promises that God has made to you pt3

Spiritual growth and personal development is so important if we want to experience God’s promises.  How can we know the promises that the Lord has made to us if we are not close to him?  

Praying to God and reading his words is one of the best ways to understand him. Practicing what we learn from the word of God can lead us to character development.

Our behaviors and personalities are not perfect, no matter how refined we think we are. There is always room for improvement and growth.

The spirit of God is willing to guide us through everything in life but is left for us to make the decision. Growth and development don’t happen overnight; they happen one step at a time.

To grow and become better is not always easy, and sometimes it can be painful. Everything in this world experiences growth and change so that it can serve its full purpose.

We are not meant to deal with everything on this earth by ourselves because our strength is limited. The power of our creator is unlimited, and we are his children, so let us hold onto our father.

Note: The promises of God  is there for us but is up to us to accept it into our lives. Give your life to Christ so that you can experience the greatest love and happiness in him. 


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