An Independent Woman Is Unfit To Be A Wife – Mark Driscoll

 An Independent Woman Is Unfit To Be A Wife - Mark Driscoll

An Independent Woman Is Unfit To Be A Wife – Mark Driscoll

An Independent Woman Is Unfit To Be A Wife – Mark Driscoll: Just when we thought that being an independent woman should be the goal, aim and objective of every woman, not everyone seem to support that school of thought.

In this century where Parents are told to empower their daughters to become their own (independent) woman, Pastor Mark Driscoll has something to tell us on the subject matter.

The pastor who is known for his unapologetic bible teachings has objected to that ideology and urged parents to train their daughters to be strong women instead of independent women. You may want to know his reason, and here is what he said

“Independent Women are unfit to be a wife, that is why they are single, divorced or marrying less men. A daughter is supposed to be a helper…”

According to him, ideally a man takes a wife while a woman is given out in marriage, which connotes that her father is involved. God’s idea for a woman is not make her independent but for her to be a helper to her husband and be one with him.

Pastor Driscoll further stated that he is not raising his daughters to be independent rather he is raising them to be strong women. According to him, “Strength is not a problem, Independence is”.

However, it is important to recognize that progress towards gender equality should be celebrated, as empowering women to be independent benefits society as a whole.

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