Are Christians Meant To Be Poor and Suffer?

Are Christians meant to be poor and suffer

Are Christians meant to be poor and suffer?

Are Christians meant to be poor and suffer? For a long time, Christians have been afraid of doing great things in life.

They are afraid of becoming famous with the gifts and talents the Lord has given them. Some of us have believed that only worldly people are meant to be successful in life.

It is not a secret that some people who are successful have done bad things in life. There are people who are also willing to do more bad things in order to be more successful.

Just because people are successful and do bad things doesn’t mean that we should do the same. Throughout the Bible, men and women who served the Lord were successful, like Abraham, Job, Daniel, David, Joseph, and so on.

There are people who say that successful people don’t value their relationship with God. If your success and money make you forget God, that means that you never loved him.

Currently, in our world today, many people are Christians and serve the Lord, but not because they love him. Some people go to church because they know that only God can solve their problems.

Successful people don’t value God.

Are Christians meant to be poor and suffer pt2

In our world today, it is not a secret that some famous and rich people are not serving the Lord. There are also rich people who love the Lord with all their hearts and serve him faithfully.

Being rich can make someone forget God, but only if they allow it to. Even the riches that we have here on earth are given to us by God so that we can advance his kingdom.

God told us in the Bible that he will bless the works of our hands, so it means that he wants the best for us. He wants us to work hard with all the gifts and talents he has given us.

Jesus Christ told us the parable about talents, so he values how hardworking we are.

Matthew 19:23-26 “And Jesus said unto his disciples, Verily, I say unto you, It is hard for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of heaven. And again, I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through a needle’s eye than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.

Let us do our best and leave the rest to God, for he’s always in control. The thoughts he has for us are good, and they are better than the ones we have for ourselves.

  • Go for that movie role
  • Sing that your dream song
  • Apply for that job
  • Start that online business
  • Open that social media

Follow God’s plan.

Are Christians meant to be poor and suffer pt3

Some people are not successful because God knows that it will take them away from him. The Lord does not want us to attach our values and happiness to material things of the Lord.

He is the Lord who gives good and perfect gifts because he adds no sorrow to them. You may not be super rich, like the “richest man in the world,” but you won’t lack.

Sometimes he knows that some of us deserve peace, and the only way to get it is by not being super rich. There are rich people on this earth who are unhappy and miserable.

The Lord is the only person who knows the future from the beginning. Trust in him, and he will bless you for the rest of your life.

Learn skills that will help you to make money
  • like making of shoes, clothes, jewelries 
  • cooking, bakery
  • cleaning services
  • baby sitting 
  • Photography
  • Open that food store
  • Start that online business
  • Write that food
  • go to school and apply for a job.

Is also important for us to learn about financial management because mismanagement will cause poverty.

He will always bless the works of your hands so that you won’t live in poverty. Is it not the plan of God that any of us should live in poverty because poverty can also take us away from him?

Some people have done bad things because they are tired of being poor. So work hard and put God first. Make a promise to him that he will be the only one to serve.

When you work hard with your talents, passions, and gifts, he’ll bless you greatly, and you will also serve him faithfully.

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