Are You Brave To Walk On Water?

Are You Brave To Walk On Water

Are You Brave To Walk On Water?

Are You Brave To Walk On Water? As Christians we all have heard the story about how Jesus Christ walked on water.

Some of us don’t really remembered that Peter also walked on water with Jesus. Among all the disciples on the boat Peter was the only one brave enough to walk on water.

Matthew 14:22-33 “When the disciples are battered by the waves at sea, Jesus comes to them walking on the water and calms their fear with his assuring word, “It is I.” At the Lord’s command Peter also walks on the water, but, in fear, begins to sink. Jesus reaches out his hand in rescue, but reproves Peter’s little faith.

The only reason why Peter was able to walk on water with Jesus Christ was because he trusted Jesus Christ.

Peter began to stink because he removed his eyes on Jesus Christ. As Children of God is important for us to learn from Peter and become brave in order to take step of faith.

Our eyes should be fixed on Jesus Christ in order for us to make it in life. The word of God told us 365 times not to fear so it means that everyday we should wake up without fear.

Go After Your Dreams 

Are You Brave To Walk On Water pt2

What is that dream in your heart or what are those goal in your heart? Take step of faith and keep your eyes on Jesus Christ.

Peter was the person that told Jesus Christ to command him to walk. We have to understand that God have already given us the power but what we do with it depends on us.

Life can be challenging but our strength comes from the Lord  and he will never leave us. The thought that Jesus Christ has for us is of good and not evil to give us a beautiful future.

Everyone on earth wants a beautiful and bright future but most of us are living in fear. It’s time for us to step out  in faith knowing that God is right behind us as our supporters.

If your plans doesn’t work out just learn from your mistake and grow. Is important for us to know that not every plan that we have is going to work.

How are we going to know if our dream is achievable if we don’t try it out? We all have beautiful and unique gifts and talents given to us by God.

If we don’t take actions and work with our gifts we’ll have a question to answer. Everyone of us are important to God and he has great purpose for us.

It doesn’t matter how small our gifts or talents is we must put it to work. How can you be great if you are allowing fear to limit you?

Fear is not from God so it’s time for us to work on ourselves and learn how to overcome fear. Most people have allowed fear to hold them back from achieving their goals.


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