Are You Close To God?

Are you close to God

Are you close to God?

Are you close to God? Everything that is going on in our lives today can cause us to lose our relationship with God.

Most of us think that going to church every Sunday means that we are close to God. Being close to God means learning and becoming like him in every area of our lives.

The world has tricked us into thinking that becoming like God is hard. Our heavenly father knows that we are not perfect, and he still loves us, but he wants us to learn and grow.

We are not created by God to be on the same level for the rest of our lives. Find out areas in your life that need improvement and work on them with the help of the Holy Spirit.

When we get to heaven, we are going to live an account of what we did with our lives. The Lord has created us with gifts, talents, and abilities to learn.

Every single one of us has a great plan that the Lord has for us. If you don’t grow in the Lord, you won’t be able to discover great things about yourself.

A relationship with God is important. 

Are you close to God pt2

Most of us spend our time chasing people who don’t love us or want us in their lives. God is always there for us to come to him, and he’ll take care of us.

When you have a closer relationship with God, that will help you have better relationships with others. The Lord will teach you how to love yourself when you love him, and people around you can feel it.

You can’t give what you don’t have to other people, so love God and love yourself. For the thought the Lord has for us is of good, not evil, so that we can have a beautiful end.

When you interact with someone who is close to God, it feels amazing. Following the footsteps of Jesus Christ is really important because going to church is not enough.

Some of us spend hours reading the Bible without applying it to our lives. We are meant to live our faith so that others can be influenced.

When we are godly by being kind, loving, and gentle to people, that will draw them close to God. Complaining, being unhappy, and judging everyone will make them stay away from us.

The best way to preach about Jesus Christ is to behave like him all the time. It may not be easy, but we are not alone; the Holy Spirit is always there.

When we make a mistake or offend someone, apologizing is important. People can annoy us by behaving ungodly, but let us control our emotions and ask for forgiveness from God.

Ask for forgiveness.

Are you close to God pt3

The enemy will do his best to trick us into thinking that God doesn’t love us. When we sin against God, that makes him sad and disappointed, but he doesn’t hate us.

Let us ask him forgiveness and return to learning to be like him. The devil will want you to think that the Lord has not forgiven us, but that’s not true.

Move on with yourself and improve by getting closer to God. Our relationship with the Lord should get stronger every day.

The world is turning against us Christians, but let’s stand strong for the Lord. Our faith should be unshakable because our God is strong.

When bad things happen to Christians, the world finds a way to make fun of us. We may be in bad situations, but our Lord will not put us in shame.

Get closer to your God and hold on to him with all your heart. Spend time with your father in heaven and learn his ways so that you can grow.

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