Are you depressed? Listen, is it time to heal?

Are you depressed Is it Time to Heal

Are you depressed? Listen, is it time to heal?

Are you depressed? Listen, Is it time to heal? Depression can be caused by so many things, but we are sure it is not from God.

Scientists and doctors are doing their best to provide solutions for it, but it is up to us to heal. So many people believe that it’s normal to be depressed, but that’s not true.

The word of God tells us in the Bible that the Lord has not given us the spirit of fear. Even though depression is common today, we have to know that it is not our fault.

Yes, it is normal to feel bad when something bad happens to us, but it is not meant to be permanent. Most people who suffer from depression have confirmed that they hear voices in their heads.

The voice that they heard is clearly not from God, because our Heavenly Father won’t condemn his children. Demons are the ones who are speaking those words into their heads and believing them.

Drugs from doctors can help to reduce the depression temporarily, but God is the cure. Is it time for us to take control of our lives because our heavenly father has given us authority?

It won’t be easy.

Are you depressed Listen Is it time to heal

Taking control of our lives won’t be easy, so let’s get ready to fight to win. The freedom that comes after taking control of our lives is really good.

The devil will do their best to remind us of everything that we did wrong in the past. No matter what we have done in the past, it is time to forgive ourselves.

Jesus Christ has forgiven us of all our sins, so it is time for us to believe it. When the enemy comes to remind you of everything wrong, cast him away.

Is it so important for us to declare the words of God over ourselves? The voices that we hear in our heads that tell us that the future is going to get worse are not from God.

Is it time for us to resist the devil so that he will flee from us? Whatever we listen to is what we believe, and that is what happens to us.

The enemy is attacking our minds because he knows that they are powerful. If our minds are listening to the negative words, that’s going to manifest in our lives.

Jesus Christ died so that our lives and future will turn out great, and that is what we should believe in. Everything that is not from God is clearly from the Devil, because his plan is to destroy us.

Depression is from the enemy because he wants to attack our minds.

Speak Life Over Yourself

Are you depressed Listen Is it time to heal pt2

We can’t sit down and allow the devil to take over our lives, so let us fight him. Remember that Jesus Christ has promised us victory already, so don’t be afraid.

Declare the promises of God in the Bible over your life and believe them. The truth is that it will be hard for you to believe at first, but with practice, it will get better.

  • Isaiah 41:10 (NIV) says, “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”
  • John 14:27 (NIV): “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled, and do not be afraid.”
  • Psalm 34:18 (NIV) reassures that “The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.”

Get involved in activities that will help you grow and deal with your depression. Some of us are facing depression because we are not taking care of ourselves.

Whatever we pour into ourselves is what we give out to the world. Just because your life is not going great doesn’t mean you should live badly.

Activist Like

  • Journal
  • Cooking
  • Painting
  • Reading
  • Watching motivational clips
  • Making crafts like bags, clothes, and jewelry
  • Self care

When your mind is occupied with things that are positive and help you grow, depression will decrease.


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