Are You Fighting Temptations?

Are You Fighting Temptations?

Are You Fighting Temptations?

Are You Fighting Temptations?: In our current world today we as Christians are facing a lot of temptations and we must resist it.

As children of God we are created in his image and we must represent him everyday. Yes we live in the world but we are not to behave like the world.

Our behavior should be different since we are different and set aside by our heavenly father. The world has normalize many sins and they are OK with it.

Sins like gambling, cheating, lying, unfaithfulness, pornography and so on. We should not let the world determine for us how we are to live as Christians.

God knows that fighting temptation can be hard for us so he gave us the Holy Spirit. We must accept the Holy Spirit into our lives so that we can overcome temptations

We must understand that we don’t have to resist it on our own strength.

Trials Vs Temptations

Trials come from life circumstances like lost of job, lost of loved one and so on. Temptations comes from our desires like lust, greed, hatred, wickedness.

We all have bad traits but God can change them for good. Our heavenly father has the ability to transform us greatly.

When we have bad desires that will attract bad temptation into our lives like desire for lust will bring temptation of committing fornication.

Bad desires opens door for the devil and that will give him the power to tempt us. We must walk together with God so that we can walk on the right path.

Right Path, Right Life

Walking in the right path leads us to live a right life in the future. If we want a future filled with great achievements we must do the right things needed.

Our heavenly father want us on the right path all the time. He knows that when we are on the right path we will attract his blessings into our lives.

Thinking the right thought will help us to eliminate bad desires. Bad desires leads us to wrong path in life.

Wrong path in life will ruin us and frustrate us forever. When we learn how to be content with our lives that will help us to overcome greed.

If we learn how to control our finances that will free us from debts. God knows that we have the ability to make decisions for us.

Our heavenly father have given us the power of free will.

Make The Right Decision

With the help of the Holy Spirit we can make the right decisions. Even though God has given us the power of free will we must learn to involve the Holy Spirit.

The wrong decision has the power to ruin us in life completely. If you want a better life make better decisions.

If you want a better life make better decisions and carry out the decisions. Make decisions to grow spiritually, mentally, financially and emotionally that will yield benefit in future.

Give Up On Your Flesh

The main reason we fall into sin and get trapped in temptations is because we listen to our flesh.  Our flesh has the ability to make us sin against God.

When we accept Jesus as our Lord and personal savior our old selves are gone. We have become a new creature in Christ Jesus.

Jesus has paid for our sins so our old selves are gone and we have become new. We must be willing to let go our old selves and habits.

Rebuke the spirit of temptation when they come to our mind. Cast away thoughts that are not of Christ.

We must not allow negative thoughts and ideas to dwell in our mind. When thought of lust, gambling, wickedness, hatred comes to our mind let us cast them away.

So be willing to set yourself free and fight the temptation with the help of the Holy Spirit.


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