Are You in a Painful Season? Have faith in God

Are You in a Painful Season Have faith in God

Are You in a Painful Season? Have faith in God

Are you in a painful season? Have faith in God:  Life has many seasons, including seasons of joy and suffering.

We all want to be in a state of joy forever where there is no pain. God wants us to experience both seasons so that we can grow spiritually.

We must understand that God never promised us a life free of challenges, but he did say that we would not have to face them alone.

Whatever we face in life, whether it’s broken marriages or relationships, debts, or wayward children, God has control.

We must know that only God has the power to change our situations and make them better. Jesus taught that we should come to God and lay our burdens on him, and he will give us rest.

There are a lot of things in life that will happen that we can’t understand. Sometimes, when we pray, we feel that God doesn’t hear our prayers.

God hears all our prayers, and he is concerned with everything about us. Certain situations are allowed to happen in our lives so that we can grow and trust God more.

Complaining and worrying about all our problems will never lead to a result, but trusting God will. There are many ways that we can’t find peace with our life challenges and trust God’s love for us.

Trusting God is a choice that we can make in order to live a life free from overthinking and depression. God will always find a way of escape for us in any bad situations we see ourselves in.

No matter the kind of season that you see yourself know that God is  with you. Painful situations will never be a permanent  season.

Are You in a Painful Season Have faith in God pt2

Depending on our own strength to solve our problems is not good because our strength can fail us. Relying on friends to help you out of a certain situation can lead to disappointment.

If we make the decision to trust God, that can push away the curtain of fear, and God’s glory will shine through.

  1. Every pain and suffering has a reason: God will not allow us to face any trial if he doesn’t have a plan to bless us. If we trust the present situation, that will help us overcome future challenges.
  2. God’s plans are the best: No matter how we plan for ourselves, God knows what is best for us. The pain we feel now might lead us to the best life that God has planned for us.
  3. God feels our pain: God cares about us, and he feels our pain more than we think. When we trust him, he will find a way to escape.
  4. God wants to comfort us: Since God feels our pain, he will do everything possible to comfort us. He loves us and cares about us deeply.
  5. God wants our faith to be unshakeable: He allows certain challenges to come to us because he wants our faith to be strong. When we choose to trust God, we will be ashamed of nothing.
  6. God is the one in control: God is in control of everything going on in the world. Don’t be afraid of anything; it will work out in your favor if you trust God.



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