Be Spirit Minded

Be Spirit-Minded

Be spirit-minded.

Be Spirit-Minded: For many reasons, some of us are still living by our flesh and pleasing ourselves. Living by the spirit can be hard because we have to displease ourselves in order to please God.

If we want to be spirited-minded, we must give up on so many sins that feed our flesh, like lying, unforgiveness, cheating, hatred, jealousy, and so on.

God doesn’t want us to be controlled by our flesh, because the flesh will only lead us to hell. We must understand that it is not God’s plan for any of us to perish, for he loves us so much.

The way we talk and relate to others around us should reflect God, for we are his representatives. People are watching us because we are Christians, and the way that we live can attract them to God.

The disciples of Christ were called “Christians” because they were behaving like Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ walked in love here on earth, and he also taught us to live in love with the people around us.

The reason that many of us can’t be spirit-minded is because we don’t read the word of God. We are not privileged to behave like the rest of the world, for we are selected as special by God for his purpose.

The enemy is working hard.

Be spirit-minded pt3

Many of us Christians really know that the devil is working hard in order to take us to hell. The enemy wants us to go through life hating one another.

Living in unforgiveness opens door for the enemy to come into our lives and lead us to hell. Our behaviors are really important because we are children of God.

Why is living in the flesh easier and more fun? So that we can enjoy living in sin and end up in hell.

Galatians 5:16-17

16 But I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh.

17 For the desires of the flesh are against the Spirit, and the desires of the Spirit are against the flesh, for these are opposed to each other, to keep you from doing the things you want to do.

When we give our lives to Christ, we are no longer living for ourselves but for God. The world has normalized so many sins like cheating, pornography, gambling, lying, and so on, but we are different.

No matter what sin the world has normalized today, we must not involve ourselves in it. God is watching us all the time because he loves us and wants us to make it to heaven.

When we are spirit-minded, we will have external life and peace, but living by flesh will lead to death.

Let’s be careful.

Be Spirit-Minded pt2

The rest of the world is getting comfortable accepting sins into their lives, but we are to be careful. We must be careful about our behaviors so that we can make it to heaven.

Heaven and hell are real, but our way of life will determine where we are going to spend the rest of our lives. We have to know that heaven is a beautiful place that God has designed for us to live in.

The devil is working hard to make us think that we won’t make it to heaven but will be in hell with him. Many people have gone to hell because they were not living right.

The worst thing that can ever happen to any Christian is missing heaven on the last day and ending up in hell. We have to be more forgiving, loving, and showing care to people around us.

When people mistreat us, it is easy for us to dwell on unforgiveness, but we are meant to forgive. God is love, and he wants us to live by loving one another.

Never regret knowing God, being in His presence, or being a child of God because we are loved by God. God loved us before we even loved him, so his love for us is forever.

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